
CBAR- May / June 2015 Newsflash

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1st June 2015

Dear Valued Clients,

After an extended summer, winter has finally arrived accompanied by strong winds and much needed rain.

Along with the change in season, comes new challenges experienced by security companies, especially CBAR, as, we cover certain residential areas that border Table Mountain as well as the CBD.

The displaced persons issue is worsened during the cold, wet months as many who sleep on the mountain and on the streets tend to look for shelter in more formal structures around the city bowl such as shop fronts, churches, doorways and under bridges etc. As usual CBAR is swamped by irate clients, and even non clients, who out of desperation, believe that we as a local security company, have the responsibility and ability to remove the thousands of displaced persons who fill most areas that provide some form of shelter to them.

Almost 1 in 5 calls received by our monitoring centre are from clients calling for assistance to remove displaced persons off their property or out of their area of residence.

Having worked in the City Bowl area for more than 22 years, I know there has always been the element of displaced persons in and around the area.  However, I think that currently, the authorities and the bodies assisting displaced persons are completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of persons, who through various circumstances, have ended up living on the street, as was highlighted in an article published recently by the Cape Argus. See picture / article below.

(Courtesy of Cape Argus).

Cape Town especially the CBD and surrounds seems to be the place of choice for incoming, displaced persons; it’s the bright lights, big city syndrome. CBAR’s core function is alarm monitoring and armed response.  We will gladly assist a client to remove a displaced person off their property. Any area other than their property becomes a problem for law enforcement who are contactable on 021 596 1999 or 0860 765 432 to deal with displaced persons. If a displaced person /s continually returns and becomes a nuisance, the only way forward will be to contact SAPS.  They inturn, will only lock these displaced persons up IF you the client are prepared to lay a charge of trespassing.  This is according to Brigadier Mabusha, the Cape Town SAPS station commander.  If no charge is laid by the client, SAPS will remove the displaced persons, but invariably, from our experience they will return, hence a charge of trespassing should be instituted.

It is an exceptionally difficult issue to deal with as there has to be a degree of sympathy for people who find themselves living on the street, either by choice or unfortunate circumstance. As mentioned, and the point of this notification, is that CBAR will assist as far as possible and within its limited powers to deal with the displaced persons issues on our clients premises, but there is a point where the client has to take some of the responsibility and if need be, lay a charge of trespassing against persistent or non-compliant “trespassers”.

Winter winds and rainy weather are also factors that affect security companies, not to mention load shedding as discussed in our previous newsletter.  See our web-site

Many alarm systems now incorporate outdoor detection such as beams and infra-red sensors.  There are some good makes that are waterproof and weatherproof and some cheap and nasty makes that are not.  However even a top quality outdoor sensor can end up with water inside, causing false alarms, which eventually corrode and cease to function.  Over years of use, even though the beams and sensors are UV proof, lenses get hairline cracks in them and need replacing. Ants and geckos also seem to find a way in and nest.  This is probably the biggest trigger of false alarms second to moving foliage in the front of the sensor.

If your alarm is constantly false alarming and it is an outside beam or sensor, the best solution is to have our technical department send out a service technician to check; clean out and re-waterproof your outside detectors.  Sensors are expensive to replace, so maintenance of these beams / sensors exposed to the harsh outdoor elements such as hot sun and downpours is vital to add longevity to this detection equipment.

The June holidays are in a few weeks and some fortunate clients will be visiting warmer countries either for school holidays or for an extended stay until the weather warms up again.

PLEASE ensure your alarm is in a 100% working order, before departing and that CBAR has been given an updated contact persons / keyholders for your duration of absence. As you can imagine, a continuously activating alarm and no-one to contact to authorize a repair, makes for very irate neighbours and a waste of CBAR resources for unnecessary call outs. Key holders should have an understanding of your alarm system as well as your password.

Over the past weekend from Friday night until Sunday, our patrol officers found 11 households with open gates and garage doors and even 2 with open front doors. Whilst on patrols, CBAR officers were tasked to be extra vigilant regarding this issue.  Clients and non CBAR clients were given wake up calls by the patrol officers to inform them of the breach in their security.  Strong winds can push gates / doors not fully closed, open.  Please close, lock and check your gates and doors before retiring for the night.

If any client has an issue related to security that they wish to get advice on or share with other clients via our newsflash, please do not hesitate to contact us, either via email on or via fax on 0860 151516.  Telephone assistance is available on our 0860 151515, simply leave your contact details, and the relevant staff member will contact you.


CBAR, 24 hours a day, only minutes away!


Kind regards and best wishes


Alan Kusevitsky and the CBAR Team


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